Value Builder Score




What Does this Score Tell You?

Value Builder Score (with a value between 0-100) measures the strength of the Company based on 8 key parameters. The higher the score, more attractive and valuable your Company is to the buyers. Based on research on thousands of companies, best-selling author John Warrillow developed Value Builder system to make companies more valuable and sellable. According to John’s research, companies with a score of greater than 80 are much more valuable than those that are below it.

How long Does it Take to Determine the Score?

For this score, you answer a series of questions online, and at the end of this question and answer session, you get your score. Typically this takes about 13 minutes!

Is There Any Cost Involved in Knowing the Score?

No, the score is completely free. It will give you scores on the eight major factors that affect the value of your company and also the composite score.

You have an option of paying for a detailed custom report and phone consultation to understand your score better, but only if you wish to.

I am Not Planning to Sell the Company. Why Should I Know the Score?

Even if you are not thinking of selling your company, the score will help you improve the way yo run the company. Following some of the things that you will learn from this exercise you may be able to:

  • Run your company with less stress and more time for yourself
  • Improve your top line revenue and bottom line profits
  • Make your company less dependent on any one or two customers or vendors
  • Improve customer satisfaction

Another reason for knowing your score, even if you are not thinking of selling your company now, is because things happen in life that you may not anticipate. A major life event, such as sickness in immediate family could suddenly change your thinking, and so it is better to stay prepared.

Okay, I am curious now – I want to know my Score (click here)

What Determines the Score

There are eight factors that determine the score. These are:

  1. Financial Performance
  2. Growth Potential
  3. Not Over-dependent on a Single Customer, Supplier, Employee
  4. Healthy Cash-flow
  5. Recurring Revenue Stream – via subscription / contracts
  6. Monopoly / Uniqueness in the Marketplace
  7. Customer Satisfaction
  8. Good Managment Structure – Not Reliant on Owner

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Do you Help Companies Improve The Score

We are glad you asked. We have certified Value-Builder consultants that will be happy to provide you with tools and advice to help you make your company more valuable. We have been in M&A field for past 6 plus years. We have seen too many situations where we realized that if the company owners would have just planned a little better and made just a few changes prior to trying to sell them, they would have attracted many more buyers and would have fetched a much higher price. We do want our clients to make their businesses much more attractive to the buyers and want them to get top dollars for their hard work in building and growing their businesses. We have found Value Builder System to be an ideal and systematic platform to help them achieve this goal.

(You can see this brochure for more details – will open in another window)

Okay, I can’t Wait to Get Started

Well, that makes two of us. Let us get started. Spend just 13 minutes to get your score – (click here)
